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Creativity, knowledge and budget control all in one place

LMS features

You get full flexibility to build your digital book collection and communicate creatively with dynamic shelves in Biblio LMS. In one place you get all the knowledge - for example, about what your patrons are interested in and when they read. Knowledge you can use in the purchasing module, where you have full control over how your budget best meets your users' needs.


Budget control

Biblio LMS gives you full control over the click -model budget and insight into consumption over time. You can set a general maximum price for click lending for e-books and audiobooks respectively. You can also distinguish between lending to adults and children, and it is possible to automatically adjust the budget month by month.

Our customised algorithm predicts how your library lending will evolve in the future based on patrons' current use of your digital offer.



With the statistics in Biblio LMS, you get in-depth knowledge about how your patrons use your digital library. An overview of target groups, what they read and when they are active are just some of the insights Biblio LMS provides.

It is also possible to get real-time statistics on the number of new users, the number of readers, the cost of lending, the size of the total catalogue by genre and material type.

In the reports, you can filter on a range of parameters such as gender, age, publisher, year of publication and more.

And this is just the beginning. We are continuously working on expanding the statistics with relevant data. In the future, you may receive more data on how much of each book is read, and we are happy to receive more suggestions on what is of interest. Data that you can use and that will certainly be relevant to your other colleagues.

All reports can be exported to Excel or .csv, so that the data can be used in BI tools or other relevant systems. You can also generate PDF files that can be easily shared.


Create dynamic bookshelves

Biblio gives the library completely new ways to communicatie with the patrons.  You can choose between several different shelf types that present books in different ways, for example to show series, the latest books or work with themes.
The shelves are dynamic and based on searches, so when new titles that match the selection criteria are added to the catalogue, they will automatically be added to the shelf. This keeps the library always up -to-date and alive for the user as well as makes the work to  maintaining the shelves efficient.
You can plan your annual activity plan well in advance with the start and stop of a bookshelf's display, so you don't spend too much time maintaining the bookshelves. You can choose to expose them on a yearly repeat, following the seasons or whatever suits your library.

Let Biblio make your work easier



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Do you have further questions and would like to know more about Biblio, please don't hesitate to contact us. We will get back to you shortly.



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We want to share inspiraton and knowledge. We strive to create a  healthy library market and would like to share our insights from working with the digital library solutions in libraries across the Nordic region.